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Church Member Meeting & Crock Potluck

Church Member MEETING & Crockpotluck
Meeting: 5-6 pm | Crock Potluck: 6-7 pm
All church members are invited to attend our January Members meeting and stay after for the Crock Potluck. Arrive at 4:45 pm, plug in your crockpot, get kids checked in to childcare, and get settled in the Worship center by 5 pm for the Members meeting. Afterward, we will get the kids from childcare and fellowship with dinner. If you are staying for dinner after the meeting, please bring a crockpot dinner item to share. We will provide the water, napkins, plastic ware & plates. Kid’s Ministry available with registration: If you need childcare during the meeting, please register at this link so that we can have plenty of workers.