19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


We exist to obey the command of Christ to make disciples of all nations. We go, give, pray, and send to support church-planting and disciple-making efforts in the least reached areas of the world.

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Upcoming Trips

Interested in our 2024 International Mission Trips? Scroll down for more details

Lyon, France
WHEN:  Sept. 25-Oct. 3rd, 2024
WHAT: Cooks, Youth ministry help, Prayer walking; flier distribution
COST: Around $2,400,  Flight deposit by July 20th, 2024
COST: Info meeting July 28 at 12:30 Upstairs
matthew@thewellargyle.com for details and questions

WHEN: Nov. 29-Dec.8, 2024
WHAT: Village ministry, Orphanage, youth & women’s ministry
COST:  Around $2,000, Flight deposit due August 1st, 2024
INTEREST MEETING: July 21 at 12:30 pm in room 10
Email: elias@thewellargyle.com for details and questions

REcent Trips

June 27 – July 3

The Well partnered with a church plant in Quebec City called Eglise 180. We worked alongside them last summer as theay reached out to their community to share and show the love of Christ.

We helped with a community-wide moving day (the weekend around July 1st is unofficially “moving weekend” in the city of Quebec) where our families and families from Eglise 180 helped with free moving service. We did a bit of community outreach in some of the local parks, prayed together for the city, and spent time encouraging and fellowshipping with Eglise church members.

Lyon, France 2019

September 28 – October 5

The Well partnered with a church plant in Quebec City called Eglise 180. We worked alongside them last summer as theay reached out to their community to share and show the love of Christ.

The Well partnered with a church plant in Lyon, France. We have had the privilege of hosting some of their American and French missionaries in Argyle and have spent time with them in France. We worked alongside them as they explore an area of the city called Bron for the site of a future church plant.

We spent most of our time prayer walking, meeting with church planters and church leaders, encouraging the local church, exploring partnerships, and vision casting.