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Relational Care

Relational Care is speaking the truth in love with growing skill and compassion (Ephesians 4:15). This causes us to grow up and be built up in Christ. As we learn to apply the gospel to our heart issues we experience growth, healing, and restoration.



Freedom Groups

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you don’t want to do, and don’t do the things you’d like to do? Freedom Groups spans a thirteen-week journey through an intensive small-group experience to provide the help, hope, and healing found only in the gospel. As we move together through Scripture, we will learn that true freedom means being free from the gods we create – like pleasure, security, control, or comfort – and applying the work of Christ to our lives. We will also be reminded to live under the grace of the gospel and to release the urge to pick up the burden of proving our worth. An authentic, lived-out freedom develops with the understanding, belief, and application that the way back to the love of God comes through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who took our sin on himself, died our death on the cross, and defeated sin, death, and the devil when he rose again. After registering, you will receive your workbook on the first evening. We will meet in the auditorium at 6:30 pm for worship before we listen to the teaching. After that, we will split into smaller groups of men and women who you will meet with every week. Please pray that God will show you what you need to see and address as you work through each lesson, learn from the teaching, and interact with your group. We look forward to growing and changing with you!

Freedom Groups will return in the fall of 2025.
Registration will open toward the end of July 2025.
There is freedom for wanderers to be brought back to Christ.
There is freedom for sinners to be restored in Christ.
There is freedom for sufferers to be comforted in Christ.
If you have any questions or would like to join a study or group,
please email Rex Cole, Relational Care Pastor
REx Cole
Pastor of Relational Care
Women’s Relational Care Minister