
We would love to have you join the team…

We need you to help us reach others for God’s glory and their benefit. The WELL only exists because God has raised up good people like you to help us start this new ministry, a ministry that will continue to grow and meet real needs of others. Join us as we serve this community for the gospel.

Every Member in Ministry

We would love for you to use your spiritual gifts and unleash your passion by serving others.

Sign-up to Serve

To receive more information and to talk with someone about serving at The Well, please email us. Let us know what area of service you’re interested in!

KID’S Ministry

Large Group Teachers

Class Leaders

Wellspring (Special Needs)

Chosen Ministry (Adoption and Fostering)

Bible Drill

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Partners

Weekly Prayer Team

Worship Ministry

AV Team

Video Recording Team

Worship Band (application process)

First Impressions

Greeter Team

Parking Team

Welcome Table

Coffee/Donut Team

Coffee Shop Team

Usher Team

Security Team

Medic Team


Make/Serve Food

Care Ministry

Freedom Groups (prerequisites)

ReEngage Groups (prerequisites)

InReach Ministry

Outreach Ministry

Student Ministry

Students Connections Team

Small Group leader

Church-wide / Ministry Events TEAM

Set-Up Team

Tear Down Team

Legacy Ministry

Events Team

Communications Team

Missions Ministry

Missions Team

Groups Ministry

Groups Leader

Groups Host